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PrintBoss for Create-A-Check

Welcome to PrintBoss our Create-A-Check friends! If you're looking to convert from Create-A-Check without starting from scratch, this option is for you. The conversion requires a service contract as well as a custom form. While we do offer many “off the shelf” solutions, we do ask that you speak to a sales representative prior to purchasing as there may be other factors that can affect the cost such as electronic signatures, positive pay, ACH file generation, and approvals.

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What Clients are Saying

“Fantastic product with even better customer service. A must-have for any business that plans to have employees.”
- Keith B.
“PrintBoss is awesome! It does everything I expected it to do, and a whole lot more that surprised me! It has made my ability to work remotely viable and seamless. ”
- Sally P.
“We are an accounting firm here in Houston, and have been using PrintBoss for almost 20 years. We print around 250 payroll checks weekly without any issues. This is a reliable and accurate check printer software. We highly recommended it.”
- Jerry M.
“We moved from Create-a-check to Printboss in about an hour without any hiccups. Their customer service is top notch.”
- Simon B.
“PrintBoss made my payables efficient and easy. Idk how I ever lived without it.”
- Eric R.